PDFWAC 110-302-0198

Food preparation areas.

(1) ONB providers or staff must clean and sanitize food preparation areas and eating surfaces before and after each use, pursuant to WAC 110-302-0241(1).
(2) Except for ONB programs that enroll only school-age children and operate on public or private school premises, an ONB provider must comply with all licensing requirements described in chapter 110-300 WAC that pertain to indoor early learning program food preparation areas.
(3) If storing, preparing, and serving food outdoors without an outdoor kitchen area, ONB providers must:
(a) Use a cooler with ice or ice packs as needed to store food according to the current DOH Washington State Food and Beverage Workers' Manual; and
(b) Use temporary food preparation surfaces, such as a cutting board on a clean tarp, that are:
(i) Maintained in good repair including, but not limited to, being properly sealed without chips, cracks, or tears; and
(ii) Moisture resistant.
(4) An outdoor kitchen area may be used to prepare and serve food. The outdoor kitchen area must:
(a) Be maintained in good repair including, but not limited to, ensuring that the surfaces are moisture resistant, and are properly sealed without chips, cracks, or tears;
(b) Have at least eight feet between the food preparation area and any diaper changing tables or counters and sinks used for diaper changing;
(c) Have a clean and sanitized sink immediately before using it to prepare food to be served to children in care;
(d) Have a colander or other method that is used to prevent food and kitchen utensils from touching the sink basin; and
(e) Include clean dishes, pans, and kitchen utensils.
(5) ONB providers that prepares or serves food must have a method to clean and sanitize dishes, pans, kitchen utensils, and equipment. At a minimum, dishes, pans, utensils, and kitchen equipment must be:
(a) Washed and rinsed by hand to sanitize and dried with a clean, unused towel or allowed to air dry;
(b) Washed and rinsed in a two-compartment sink and dried with a clean, unused towel or allowed to air dry;
(c) Washed and rinsed using the three-compartment sink method (sink one is used to wash, sink two is used to rinse, sink three contains a sanitizer, and dried with a clean, unused towel or allowed to air dry; or
(d) Washed and rinsed using an automatic dishwasher that sanitizes with heat or chemicals and dried with a clean, unused towel or allowed to air dry.
(6) If ONB programs have a practice that allows staff to store and wash food at their private residence, there must be a policy to ensure staff are aware of and follow the requirements of this section. This practice must be included in the parent handbook.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.742. WSR 23-10-059, ยง 110-302-0198, filed 5/1/23, effective 6/1/23.]