PDFWAC 110-302-0325

Creating a climate for healthy child development.

(1) When communicating or interacting with children, ONB providers must maintain a climate for healthy, culturally responsive, child development such as:
(a) Using a calm and respectful tone of voice;
(b) Using positive language to explain what children can do and give descriptive feedback;
(c) Having relaxed conversations with children by listening and responding to what they say. Adult conversations must not dominate the overall sound of the group;
(d) Greeting children upon arrival and departure at the ONB program;
(e) Using facial expressions such as smiling, laughing, and enthusiasm to match a child's mood;
(f) Using physical proximity in a culturally responsive way to speak to children at their eye level and with warm physical contact including, but not limited to, gently touching a hand or shoulder, sitting next to a child, appropriately holding younger children close while communicating;
(g) Validating children's feelings and showing tolerance for mistakes;
(h) Being responsive and listening to children's requests and questions, encouraging children to share experiences, ideas, and feelings;
(i) Observing children in order to learn about their families, cultures, individual interests, ideas, questions, and theories;
(j) Modeling and teaching emotional skills such as recognizing feelings, expressing them appropriately, accepting others' feelings, and controlling impulses to act out feelings;
(k) Representing the diversity found in the ONB program and society, including gender, age, language, and abilities, while being respectful of cultural traditions, values, religion and beliefs of enrolled families;
(l) Interacting with staff and other adults in a positive, respectful manner; and
(m) Encouraging the development of a caring relationship with the environment.
(2) ONB providers must encourage positive interactions between and among children with techniques such as:
(a) Giving children several chances a day to interact with each other while playing or completing routine tasks;
(b) Modeling social skills;
(c) Encouraging socially isolated children to find friends;
(d) Helping children understand feelings of others; and
(e) Including children with special needs to play with others.
(3) Weather permitting, ONB providers must offer daily access to unobstructed natural light, including access to direct sunshine, to promote:
(a) The body's natural absorption of Vitamin D; and
(b) Healthy mental well-being and emotional development.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.742. WSR 23-10-059, ยง 110-302-0325, filed 5/1/23, effective 6/1/23.]