PDFWAC 132E-122-010


(1) The Everett Community College board of trustees, acting pursuant to RCW 28B.50.140(14), delegates to the president of the college the authority to administer disciplinary action. Administration of the disciplinary procedures is the responsibility of the vice president of instruction and student services or their designee(s). The conduct officer shall serve as the principal investigator and/or administrator for alleged violations of this code.
(2) The Title IX coordinator shall serve as the principal investigator and/or administrator for alleged violations of this code as it pertains to sexual misconduct and discrimination. The Title IX coordinator:
(a) Will accept all complaints of sexual misconduct and discrimination.
(b) May conduct investigations or assign investigators.
(c) May impose interim remedial measures to protect parties during investigation proceedings.
(d) Will make findings of fact on completed sexual misconduct or discrimination investigations.
(e) Will identify and address any patterns of systemic problems revealed by reports and/or complaints of sexual misconduct or discrimination.
(3) The college shall have authority to revoke a degree or other certificate of completion based on prohibited student conduct that is found to have occurred before the award of such degree or certificate.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 18-01-119, ยง 132E-122-010, filed 12/19/17, effective 1/19/18.]