PDFWAC 132G-137-020

Limitation of use to school activities.

The college buildings, properties, and facilities, including those assigned to student programs, may be used only for:
(1) The regularly established teaching, research, or public service activities of the college and its departments or related agencies.
(2) Cultural, educational, or recreational activities of the students or of the employees.
(3) Short courses, conferences, seminars, or similar events, conducted either in the public service or for the advancement of specific departmental professional interests, when arranged under the sponsorship of the college or its departments.
(4) Cultural or professional events open to the public by:
(a) K-12 and universities;
(b) State or federal agencies;
(c) Charitable agencies; or
(d) Civic or community organizations whose activities are of a character appropriate to the college.
(5) College facilities shall be assigned to student organizations for regular business meetings, social functions and for programs open to the public. Any recognized campus student organization may invite speakers from outside the campus community. In conformance with state guidelines, the appearance of an invited speaker on campus does not represent an endorsement by the college, its students, faculty, administration or the board of trustees, whether implicit or explicit, of the speaker's views.
(6) Reasonable conditions may be imposed to regulate the timeliness of requests, to determine the appropriateness of space assigned, time of use, and to insure the proper maintenance of the facilities. Subject to the same limitations, college facilities shall be made available for assignment to individuals or groups within the college community. Such arrangements must be made through the designated administrative officer. Allocation of space shall be made in accordance with published college regulations and on the basis of time, space availability, priority of request and the demonstrated needs of individuals or groups.
(7) Use of space shall not interfere with regularly scheduled classes or activities. Any damage to the assigned facilities may result in limitation of future allocation of space to the offending parties. Charges may be imposed for any damage, or for unusual costs associated with the use of the facility. Individuals or groups requesting space will be required to state in advance the general purpose of any meeting. If any charge or collection of funds is contemplated, advance permission from the party giving authority for space allocations will be required.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 18-22-043, ยง 132G-137-020, filed 10/30/18, effective 11/30/18.]