PDFWAC 132G-137-030

Limitation of use.

(1) Primary consideration shall be given at all times to activities specifically related to the college's mission, and no arrangements shall be made that may interfere with, or operate to the detriment of, the college's own teaching, research, or public service programs.
(2) College facilities may be rented to private or commercial organizations or associations but shall not be rented to individuals or groups conducting programs for private gain, with the exception of programs which support or promote the educational interests of the college.
(3) College facilities are available to recognized student groups, subject to these general policies and to the rules and regulations of the college.
(4) In compliance with the college's weapons policy, the possession, carrying, or display of any weapon by any person, except a commissioned law enforcement officer, is prohibited on college property, in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, recreational facilities, dining facilities, child care facilities, or at any athletic, entertainment, or educational event.
(a) Any individuals or groups, including those visiting or conducting business with Shoreline Community College, found in possession of a firearm or other weapon knowingly or under circumstances in which the individual should have known that they were in possession of a weapon or firearm within college property or while otherwise fulfilling job or academic responsibilities may be banned from the college for such time and extent as the college determines appropriate. Firearms or other weapons include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i) Any weapon or device from which a projectile or projectiles may be ejected by explosive, such as gunpowder;
(ii) Any simulated or actual firearm operated by any mechanism, gas, or compressed air; 
(iii) Any knife with a blade exceeding three inches in length and/or which opens or is ejected open by an outward, downward thrust or movement, or spring;
(iv) Any device, instrument, or object that is used with intent to cause or negligently results in risk of injury or damage to any person or property. Individuals or groups will be directed and required to remove their weapons or themselves from the college property or premises, with all appropriate legal actions being taken upon failure to comply.
(b) Individuals with a valid Washington state concealed weapons permit must keep any firearm in their vehicle locked and concealed from view while parked on campus in accordance with RCW 9.41.050.
(c) The president or their designee may grant permission to bring a weapon elsewhere on campus upon a determination that the weapon is necessary for safety and security purposes. Such permission shall be in writing and shall be subject to such terms or conditions incorporated in the written permission.
(d) Possession and/or use of disabling chemical sprays for purposes of self-defense is not prohibited.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 18-22-043, ยง 132G-137-030, filed 10/30/18, effective 11/30/18.]