Yakima Valley Community College District 16 is an educational institution provided and maintained by the people of the state of Washington. The public character of the college does not grant to individuals an unlimited license to engage in activity that limits, interferes with, or otherwise disrupts the normal activities for and to which the college's buildings, facilities, and grounds are dedicated and said buildings, facilities, and grounds are not available for unrestricted use by noncollege groups. While said buildings, facilities, and grounds are not available for unlimited use by college groups, it is recognized that Yakima Valley Community College students and employees should be accorded opportunity to utilize the facilities and grounds of the college to the fullest extent possible.
The purpose of these time, place, and manner regulations is to establish procedures and reasonable controls for the use of college facilities for both noncollege and college groups. It is intended to balance the college's responsibility to fulfill its mission as a state educational institution of Washington with the interests of noncollege groups or college groups who are interested in using the campus for purposes of constitutionally protected speech, assembly, or expression.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140. WSR 10-09-041, ยง 132P-142-020, filed 4/14/10, effective 6/1/10.]