PDFWAC 132U-276-140

Substantive rules and policies of general applicability.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, all of the district's substantive rules and policies of general applicability.
(a) The violation of which subject an individual to a penalty or administrative sanction; or
(b) Which establish, alter, or revoke any procedures, practice, or requirement relating to institutional hearings; or
(c) Which establish, alter, or revoke any qualification or requirement relating to the enjoyment of benefits or privileges conferred by law, are promulgated by the board of trustees in accordance with the requirements of chapter 28B.19 RCW, and are contained within Title 132U of the Washington Administrative Code.
(2) Those of the district's substantive rules and policies of general applicability which relate primarily to the following subjects are not promulgated by the board of trustees in accordance with the requirements of chapter 28B.19 RCW and are not contained within Title 132U WAC, but rather are adopted by resolution of the board of trustees or by action of the president and are contained within the Policies and Procedures Manual of Community College District No. 21, a current copy of which is available for inspection at the administrative office of the district: Standards for admission; academic advancement, academic credits, graduation and the granting of degrees; tuition and fees, scholarships, financial aid, and similar academic matters; employment relationships; fiscal processes; and matters concerning only the internal management of the district and not affecting private rights or procedures available to the general public.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.130 and 28B.50.140. WSR 88-15-005 (Order 88-03), ยง 132U-276-140, filed 7/8/88.]