PDFWAC 132Z-142-020


(1) Campus facilities - Grounds and buildings. The term "campus facilities" as used in this chapter means the grounds and buildings owned, leased, operated, or controlled by Cascadia College.
(a) Grounds. The campus "grounds" consist of those outdoor areas of the campus that are generally open and accessible to the public, including any commons, public square, plaza, patio, pedestrian mall, thoroughfare or walkway, multipurpose field, lawn, or open space.
(b) Buildings. The "buildings" of the campus consist of any academic or administrative building, student union, library, museum or gallery, auditorium, theater, concert or recital hall, laboratory, dining or residence facility, athletic or recreational facility, conference or event center, maintenance or storage facility, parking lot, and any other structure reserved by the college for designated institutional uses.
(2) Campus and noncampus groups. The term "campus groups" means individuals or groups of individuals affiliated with the college as students, faculty or staff, or invited guests sponsored by a recognized student or alumni organization, academic department, or administrative office of the college. A "noncampus group" means individuals or groups of individuals who are not so affiliated with the college.
(3) Expressive activity. The term "expressive activity" means the exercise of those rights of speech, petition, and assembly protected under the federal and state constitutions including, but not limited to, public speech or other expressive conduct, the circulation of petitions or distribution of literature, protests, demonstrations, rallies, picketing, and other gatherings to share information, ideas, beliefs, or viewpoints.
(4) Public forum - Designated or limited. A "public forum" for purposes of this chapter is either "designated" or "limited." A dedicated public forum is available for expressive use both by campus and noncampus groups. A limited forum is available for expressive use only by campus groups and may be limited to designated purposes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 21-06-014, ยง 132Z-142-020, filed 2/19/21, effective 3/22/21.]