PDFWAC 137-24-010


The purpose of this chapter is to specify policies and procedures pertaining to revocation of offenders, while in total/partial confinement, sentenced under the special drug offender sentencing alternative. Offenders sentenced under the special drug offender sentencing alternative, are mandated by statute to undergo a comprehensive substance abuse assessment and receive, within available resources, substance abuse treatment services. Offenders who fail to complete or are administratively terminated from the special drug offender sentencing alternative substance abuse treatment program are subject to reclassification and service of the unexpired term of his/her sentence as ordered by the sentencing court. The following regulations set forth procedural guidelines. They do not create procedural or substantive rights in any person and should not be interpreted or applied in such a manner as to abridge rights already guaranteed by the United States Constitution. The regulations should be interpreted as having sufficient flexibility to be consistent with law and permit the department to accomplish its statutory purposes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130. WSR 06-21-054, ยง 137-24-010, filed 10/13/06, effective 11/13/06.]