(1) Uniform rate. The tuition for nonresident students who are enrolled pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be assessed at a uniform rate, consistent with the annual per capita cost of maintaining and educating a student.
(2) Tuition reduction. Any such tuition charge, however, may be ratably reduced in the event the nonresident student is enrolled part time and/or for less than a full school year.
(3) Annual adjustments. Nonresident tuition and fees shall be adjusted annually to reflect the actual per capita cost of education.
(4) Billing. Tuition for nonresident students shall be assessed on a quarterly basis. Quarterly payments shall be due in full prior to the first day of the quarter in which the nonresident student seeks to enroll.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
72.40.022. WSR 90-16-014, ยง 148-130-050, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90.]