PDFWAC 173-130A-200

Acreage expansion program.

(1) Water right certificate holders who wish to expand their authorized irrigated acreage while not increasing actual historic withdrawal rates in gallons per minute or acre feet per year, within the maximum limits of their water right, may submit a request in writing to the department at least four months prior to initiation of irrigation. Such request shall include documentation substantiating actual quantities applied to a beneficial use within authorized acreage for a minimum of the three previous consecutive irrigation seasons. This documentation shall consist of accurate flow meter readings, electrical consumption which has been converted to actual acre footage withdrawn, or any other data acceptable to the department.
(2) The acreage expansion, if authorized, will allow the certificate holder to apply the average of the quantity of water beneficially used during the past three consecutive years to more land.
(3) Where the acreage expansion program is continuous from year to year, the initial documentation of beneficial use of water shall apply to each subsequent year.
(4) New wells will not be permitted to be drilled as part of this program. Every well authorized for use under this program must be equipped with an accurately operating flow meter before acreage expansion can be implemented.
(5) By December 31 of each year, the water user shall submit in writing to the department a statement of the total water used, in acre feet, under the acreage expansion program for the completed irrigation season.
(6) The acreage expansion program will be administered as a temporary change through an annual letter of authorization. No permanent amendment or change in any water right certificate shall be issued as part of this program.
The penalty for noncompliance with the provisions of this section shall include, but not be limited to, termination from the acreage expansion program for one calendar year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.060, 43.21A.080, 43.27A.090, 90.44.130 and 90.54.040(2). WSR 82-16-103 (Order DE 82-27), ยง 173-130A-200, filed 8/4/82.]