(1) The department may require any responsible party to report data describing the volume of water diverted, withdrawn, used or stored, and other related information.
(2) If a responsible party is required to report information regarding water use, the report must be submitted on a form or in a format prescribed by the department and must include such information as requested by the department. The department may require that the information be submitted in writing or electronically. This information may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) The name, address and telephone number of the responsible party;
(b) The location of the point(s) of diversion or withdrawal, the place(s) of use and metering site(s);
(c) The county parcel identification number for the point(s) of diversion or withdrawal, and place(s) of use or area served by the diversion or withdrawal, except that municipalities, public water supply systems and irrigation districts shall not be required to provide parcel identification numbers for their customers, members and secondary users.
(d) The water right number(s) or claim number(s) or other information that indicates the legal basis for the diversion or withdrawal;
(e) The volume and/or flow rate of water diverted or withdrawn;
(f) The make, model and serial number of the measuring device(s) and any separable counting units;
(g) The date the device was last calibrated;
(h) Any date(s) during which the meter or measuring device was not functioning properly;
(i) For flow rate data based upon power consumption, electrical records, pump test data, or other data necessary to verify flow rate estimates;
(j) Whether the intake structure for the diversion has a screen or screens installed to prevent the entry of fish into the diversion works or pump facilities;
(k) The water source name;
(l) For public water systems, the public water system identification number and source number assigned by the department of health.
(3) All responsible parties must attest that the information provided is true and correct to the best of their knowledge.
(4) The department may accept water use information from a stream patrolman on behalf of a responsible party.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.44.050, [90.44.]250, [90.44.]450 and chapter
43.21A RCW. WSR 02-02-017 (Order 00-01), ยง 173-173-050, filed 12/21/01, effective 1/21/02.]