(1) No withdrawal or diversion of water shall be made unless the measuring devices and facilities are in proper operating condition, except when:
(a) A measuring device or facility is being repaired according to the requirements of subsection (2) or (3) of this section; and
(b) The responsible party uses a substitute measuring device or other method to measure the diversion or withdrawal or to provide a reasonable estimate thereof.
(2) Upon discovery of a malfunctioning measuring device or facility, the responsible party shall repair the device or facility and make them operable as soon as possible.
(3) If a responsible party does not comply with WAC 173-173-090(2), the department may order that a measuring device or facility be repaired or replaced within a specified time period.
(4) Measuring devices and facilities must register and be calibrated for the full range of discharge from the diversion or withdrawal for which they are to be used.
(5) On an open channel diversion, all flow diverted shall be measured as close to the point of diversion as possible.
(6) There shall be no turnouts or diversions between the source of water and the measuring devices and facilities, except for faucets or other small outlets that have a de minimis effect on the diversion or withdrawal.
(7) In those cases where wells are authorized for the purpose of supplementing surface waters with water from combined sources, both sources of water shall be metered.
(8) In the case of intermittent artesian wells, the meter shall be installed in a manner that will measure both pumped and flowing discharge.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.44.050, [90.44.]250, [90.44.]450 and chapter
43.21A RCW. WSR 02-02-017 (Order 00-01), ยง 173-173-090, filed 12/21/01, effective 1/21/02.]