Any responsible party may use an alternative water measuring device or method that differs from those described in this chapter, if:
(1) The method is approved in writing in advance by the department; and
(2) The device(s) and installation are certified by a registered professional engineer or other qualified person acceptable to the department to:
(a) Measure all flow diverted or withdrawn in accordance with the pipeflow or open channel accuracy requirements in WAC
173-173-100(2) and
(b) Measure the appropriate volumes and flow rates in WAC
(c) Be installed and operated according to the manufacturer's and/or designer's instructions, and other such conditions as the department may find necessary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.44.050, [90.44.]250, [90.44.]450 and chapter
43.21A RCW. WSR 02-02-017 (Order 00-01), ยง 173-173-170, filed 12/21/01, effective 1/21/02.]