PDFWAC 173-180-080

Compliance schedule.

(1) Owners and operators of all facilities in operation at the time this rule is effective must meet the requirements in this rule on the effective date of this rule, except where specified below.
(a) Within 30 calendar days from rule effective date, all delivering facilities must meet advance notice requirements in WAC 173-180-215.
(b) Within 60 calendar days from rule effective date, any delivering facility conducting Rate A transfers must meet prebooming requirements in WAC 173-180-221.
(c) By the current safe and effective threshold determination report's expiration date, any delivering facility conducting Rate A transfers must meet report requirements in WAC 173-180-224.
(d) Within 10 years from rule effective date or by the next scheduled internal API Standard 653 (2014 with Addendum 1 (2018) and 2 (2020)) inspection, whichever is later, any Class 1 facility storage tank constructed before the effective date of this rule must meet seismic protection measures in WAC 173-180-330.
(e) Within 10 years from rule effective date or by the next scheduled API Standard 570 (2016 with Addendum 1 (2017) and 2 (2018), and Errata 1 (2018)) inspection, whichever is later, any Class 1 facility transfer pipeline constructed before the effective date of this rule must meet seismic protection measures in WAC 173-180-340.
(f) By the current operations manual's expiration date, all Class 1 and 2 facilities must meet manual requirements in WAC 173-180-420 and 173-180-421.
(g) By the current training and certification program's expiration date, all Class 1 and 2 facilities must meet program requirements in WAC 173-180-510 and 173-180-511.
(h) By the current prevention plan's expiration date, all Class 1 facilities must meet plan requirements in WAC 173-180-630.
(i) Within 12 months from rule effective date, all Class 2 facilities must meet oil transfer response plan requirements in WAC 173-180-730.
(j) The triennial cycle of the drill program, as required in WAC 173-180-810 and 173-180-815, will begin once the oil transfer response plan for the Class 2 facility has been approved.
(2) Owners and operators of new facilities must meet requirements in this chapter prior to beginning operations in the state, including submittal deadlines outlined in this chapter.
(3) When there is a change in the owner or operator of a facility, the new owner or operator of the facility must meet the requirements in this chapter prior to beginning operations in the state, including submittal deadlines outlined in this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.46.160, 88.46.165, 90.56.005, 90.56.050, 90.56.200, 90.56.220, 90.56.230, and chapter 90.56 RCW. WSR 23-12-077 (Order 21-03), ยง 173-180-080, filed 6/6/23, effective 7/7/23.]