PDFWAC 173-183-700

Vulnerability of freshwater wetland environments to oil spills.

(1) The purpose of this section is to describe the method of ranking the vulnerability of freshwater wetland environments to oil spills for purposes of assessing damages by applying the compensation schedule.
(2) Vulnerability of freshwater wetland environments to oil spills is based on a wetlands classification which rates the vulnerability of a wetland to spilled oil. Wetland environments are classified into five categories which represent the sensitivity of habitat, plants, animals, and recreational use to oil spills. For purposes of this chapter, the wetlands vulnerability score shall be equal to the spill vulnerability score as follows:
Spill Vulnerability Score (SVS) = WVS
WVS = wetlands vulnerability score (from WAC 173-183-710).
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 90.48 RCW. WSR 92-10-005 (Order 91-13), ยง 173-183-700, filed 4/23/92, effective 5/24/92.]