(1) Rail plan holders shall prepare a plan that demonstrates capability, to the maximum extent practicable, of promptly and properly removing oil and minimizing environmental damage from a variety of spill sizes, up to and including worst case spills. Ecology will evaluate plans using the process and criteria contained in WAC
(2) A rail plan holder may request that ecology review and approve a plan using an alternative planning standard. Such requests should be submitted with the plan and shall be subject to a thirty day public review period and comment period which includes, but is not limited to, interested local and tribal governments and other stakeholders.
(a) The proposal shall include, at a minimum:
(i) A reference to which planning standard(s) in this chapter the proposal will be substituted for;
(ii) A detailed description of the alternative proposal including equipment, personnel, response procedures, and maintenance systems that are being proposed; and
(iii) An analysis of how the proposal offers equal or greater protection or prevention measures as compared to the requirement in this chapter.
(b) Ecology may approve the alternative compliance proposal if, based upon the documents submitted and other information available to the agency, it finds that:
(i) The alternative compliance proposal is complete and accurate; and
(ii) The alternative compliance proposal provides an equivalent or higher level of protection in terms of spill preparedness and response when compared with the planning standards found in this chapter.
(c) Ecology may reconsider an approval at any time, in response to lessons learned from spills, drills, and significant plan changes which indicated that the requirements of this section for approval are not met.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.56.210. WSR 16-18-052 (Order 15-14), ยง 173-186-400, filed 8/31/16, effective 10/1/16.]