PDFWAC 173-304-300

Waste recycling facility standards.

(1) Applicability.
(a) These standards apply to facilities engaged in recycling or utilization of solid waste on the land, including but not limited to:
(i) Noncontainerized composting in piles;
(ii) Utilization of sewage sludge, septage and other organic wastes on land for beneficial use;
(iii) Accumulation of wastes in piles for recycling or utilization.
(b) These standards do not apply to:
(i) Single family residences and single family farms engaged in composting of their own wastes;
(ii) Facilities engaged in the recycling of solid waste containing garbage, such as garbage composting, which are subject to WAC 173-304-400, Solid waste handling facility standards;
(iii) Facilities engaged in the storage of tires which are subject to WAC 173-304-400, Solid waste handling facility standards;
(iv) Problem wastes as defined in WAC 173-304-100;
(v) Facilities engaged in recycling of solid waste stored in surface impoundments which are subject to WAC 173-304-400, Solid waste handling facility standards; and
(vi) Woodwaste or hog fuel piles to be used as fuel or raw materials stored temporarily in piles being actively used so long as the criteria of WAC 173-304-300 (3)(c)(i) are met.
(c) These standards do not apply to any facility that recycles or utilizes solid wastes in containers, tanks, vessels, or in any enclosed building, including buy-back recycling centers.
(2) Effective dates. All existing facilities recycling solid waste not in conformance with this section shall be placed upon a compliance schedule under WAC 173-304-600(1) to assure compliance within two years of the effective date of this regulation.
(3) Waste recycling requirements.
(a) All applicable solid waste recycling facilities shall apply for and obtain a solid waste permit under WAC 173-304-600, permits.
(b) Applicable waste recycling facilities shall submit annual reports to the jurisdictional health department and the department by March 1 of the following year for which the data is collected on forms supplied by the department. The annual reports shall include quantities and types of waste recycled for purposes of determining progress towards achieving the goals of waste reduction, waste recycling, and treatment in accordance with RCW 70.95.010(4). Such facilities may request and be assured of confidentiality for their reports in accordance with chapter 42.17 RCW and RCW 43.21A.160.
(c) All facilities storing solid waste in outdoor piles or surface impoundments for the purpose of waste recycling shall be considered to be storing or disposing of solid waste if:
(i) At least fifty percent of the material has not been shown to have been recycled in the past three years and any material has been on-site more than five years; or
(ii) Groundwater or surface water, air, and/or land contamination has occurred or will likely occur under current conditions of storage or in case of fire, or flood.
Upon such a determination by the jurisdictional health department that (c)(i) or (ii) of this subsection are met, the jurisdictional health department may require a permit application and issuance of a permit under WAC 173-304-600 of these rules.
(d) Waste recycling facilities shall allow jurisdictional health department and department representatives entry for inspection purposes and to determine compliance with these rules at reasonable times.
(e) All applicable waste recycling facilities shall not conflict with the county comprehensive solid waste management plan required by WAC 173-304-011 of these rules.
(f) All waste recycling facilities shall comply with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to environmental regulations and laws.
(4) Sewage sludge utilization requirements.
In addition to the requirements of subsection (3) of this section, all facilities utilizing sewage sludge, including septage shall comply with the department's Municipal and Domestic Sludge Utilization Guidelines WDOE 82-11, dated September 1982 or as hereafter amended. Facilities utilizing sewage sludge on the land in a manner not consistent with nor meeting the requirement of the guidelines are required to meet the landspreading disposal standards of WAC 173-304-450.
(5) Woodwaste and other organic sludge utilization requirements.
(a) Facilities utilizing woodwaste not otherwise excluded under WAC 173-304-015, shall comply with these recycling standards. Applying woodwaste and other primarily organic sludges such as pulp and paper mill treatment sludges to the land shall be in a manner consistent with the Municipal and Domestic Sludge Utilization Guidelines WDOE 82-11 dated September 1982 or as hereafter amended. Only agricultural or silvicultural sites where such sludges are demonstrated to have soil conditioning or fertilizer value shall be acceptable, provided that the woodwaste and other primarily organic sludges are applied as a soil conditioner or fertilizer in accordance with accepted agricultural and silvicultural practice. Facilities utilizing woodwaste or other primarily organic sludges on the land in a manner not consistent with nor meeting the requirement of the guidelines are required to meet the landspreading disposal standards of WAC 173-304-450.
(b) Facilities utilizing woodwaste or other primarily organic sludges shall also comply with the standards of subsection (3) of this section.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.21A RCW. WSR 85-22-013 (Order 85-18), ยง 173-304-300, filed 10/28/85.]