(1) Applicability. These standards apply to facilities that landfill more than two thousand cubic yards of inert wastes and demolition wastes, as defined in WAC
173-304-100, including facilities that use inert waste and demolition waste as a component of fill. Inert wastes and demolition wastes used as road building materials are excluded from this section. These standards do not apply to asbestos containing waste regulated under the federal 40 C.F.R. Part 61 rules and the dangerous waste regulation, chapter
173-303 WAC.
(2) Inert wastes and demolition waste landfilling facilities shall not be subject to the Locational standards for disposal sites, WAC
173-304-130 except for WAC
173-304-130 (2)(f), slope.
(3) Owners or operators of inert waste and demolition waste landfill shall maintain a record of the weights or volumes and types of waste disposed of at each site.
(4) Owners or operators of inert wastes and demolition landfills shall employ measures to prevent emission of fugitive dusts, when weather conditions or climate indicate that transport of dust offsite is liable to create a nuisance. Preventative measures include watering of roads and covering.
(5) Timbers, wood and other combustible waste shall be covered as needed during the summer months to avoid a fire hazard.
(6) Owners or operators of inert wastes and demolition landfills shall close the facility by leveling the wastes to the extent practicable and shall fill any voids posing a physical hazard for persons after closure and to maintain an aesthetic appearance. A minimum of one foot of soil cover shall be used to close landfills.
(7) Owners or operators of inert waste and demolition waste landfills shall obtain a permit, as set forth in WAC
173-304-600 from the jurisdictional health department.
(8) Owners or operators of inert wastes and demolition landfills shall meet the requirements of WAC
173-304-405(7), recording with the county auditor.
(9) Owners or operators of inert waste or demolition waste landfills shall not accept any other form of waste except inert waste and demolition waste.
(10) Owners or operators of inert waste and demolition waste landfills shall prevent unauthorized disposal during off-hours by controlling entry (i.e., lockable gate or barrier) when the facility is not being used.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
43.21A RCW. WSR 85-22-013 (Order 85-18), ยง 173-304-461, filed 10/28/85.]