PDFWAC 173-323-040


(1) All applicants must use the electronic system identified by ecology to apply for grants and loans. Applicants without access to the electronic system must use a process approved by ecology.
(2) The applicant must complete the application process and provide all required information, including:
(a) Applicant information.
(b) Project location and description.
(c) Scope of work and tasks for the project.
(d) Requested funding amount for the project.
(e) Any other information required by ecology for the specific type of grant or loan.
(3) For formula or competitive grants and loans, the applicant must submit the application by the due date, if a due date is included in the announcement. Ecology may approve a later due date.
(4) Ecology may request additional information to assist in the application evaluation process.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.105D.070(8). WSR 18-01-096 (Order 16-10), ยง 173-323-040, filed 12/18/17, effective 1/18/18.]