PDFWAC 173-323-080

Amendments to the grant or loan agreement.

(1) A change to any of the following items requires an amendment to the agreement:
(a) Scope of work or the objectives of the project.
(b) Budget, whether for an increase or decrease.
(c) Funding, whether for an increase or decrease.
(d) Redistributing costs among budget tasks that exceed ten percent deviation of the total eligible costs of the funding distribution.
(e) Funding distributions, including share percentages.
(f) Agreement effective or expiration date, whether to shorten or extend.
(g) Special terms and conditions or agreement-specific terms and conditions.
(2) Administrative changes do not require an amendment. Examples of administrative changes include updates to contact names, addresses, and phone numbers.
(3) An amendment must be signed by all parties before it is effective.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.105D.070(8). WSR 18-01-096 (Order 16-10), ยง 173-323-080, filed 12/18/17, effective 1/18/18.]