(1) Purpose. This section describes the processes ecology will use to notify the public and amend the PBT list after making a determination that chemicals or groups of chemicals should be added or removed from the PBT list.
Reviewing and updating the PBT list. Ecology will periodically review and update WAC
173-333-310. The frequency of review will be determined by credible scientific information available on individual chemicals or chemical groups, rule-making petitions submitted to ecology, and available agency resources. Ecology will comply with the requirements for reviewing and responding to rule-making petitions in the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter
34.05 RCW.
(3) Public notification. If ecology makes a preliminary determination that a chemical should be added or removed from the PBT list, the department will prepare a technical discussion paper that summarizes the scientific information supporting the addition or removal of a chemical and notify the public through an announcement posted on the ecology website and published in the Washington State Register.
Amending the PBT list. If ecology makes a final determination that a chemical or chemical group should be added or removed from the PBT list, the department will initiate actions to amend WAC
173-333-310 through formal rule making.
[Statutory Authority: 2004 c 276 and chapter
70.105 RCW. WSR 06-03-094 (Order 04-07), ยง 173-333-340, filed 1/13/06, effective 2/13/06.]