PDFWAC 173-401-100

Program overview.

(1) The provisions in this chapter establish the elements of a comprehensive Washington state air operating permit program consistent with the requirements of Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA) (42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.).
(2) All sources subject to this regulation shall have a permit to operate that assures compliance by the source with all applicable requirements. While chapter 173-401 WAC does not impose substantive new requirements, it does require that fees be imposed on sources and that certain procedural measures be adopted especially with respect to compliance.
(3) The requirements of this chapter, including provisions regarding schedules for submission and approval or disapproval of permit applications, shall apply to the permitting of affected sources under the acid rain program, except as provided herein or modified in regulations promulgated under Title IV of the FCAA (acid rain program).
(4) Issuance of permits under this chapter may be coordinated with issuance of permits under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and under the Clean Water Act, whether issued by the state, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. WSR 93-20-075 (Order 91-68), ยง 173-401-100, filed 10/4/93, effective 11/4/93.]