PDFWAC 173-527-130

Accounting for use under the reservation.

(1) A record of all appropriations from the reservation shall be maintained by ecology.
(2) For an appropriation under a permit, ecology will account for water use under the reservation based on authorized quantities under water right permits or certificates, and according to WAC 173-527-110(5).
(3) For permit-exempt groundwater appropriations, ecology will deduct a standard amount of two hundred forty gallons per day for each well. For a group domestic water system under the permit-exemption, the standard amount will be applied for each domestic or residential service connection. The standard amount will be adjusted periodically to reflect actual use during low flow conditions. The standard amount assumes a rate of septic recharge from an on-site septic system. In the event that on-site septic recharge is known not to occur, ecology will deduct an additional five hundred and sixty gallons per day. Additionally, ecology reserves the right to account for water use based on the best available information contained in well logs, approvals issued by local jurisdictions, or other documents.
(4) If a water user under the reservation subsequently abandons or relinquishes the withdrawal, ecology will credit back to the reservation the actual amount of water used and/or debited from the reservation, upon demonstration to ecology that the well or surface water diversion has been decommissioned through written certification.
(5) Ecology shall notify either Clark, Skamania, or Cowlitz County and the planning unit; when it determines that fifty percent, seventy-five percent, and one hundred percent, respectively, of the reservation is appropriated for a water user in Table V.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 90.82, 90.54, 90.22, 90.03, and 90.44 RCW. WSR 09-01-126 (Order 08-02), ยง 173-527-130, filed 12/19/08, effective 1/19/09.]