Unless an alternative credit determination method is used under WAC
173-700-321, the department shall use the following considerations to determine specific conversion rates for wetlands on a bank site:
(1) The anticipated net gains in wetland functions at the site;
(2) The degree to which the bank restores ecological processes previously altered by human activity in a watershed, based on predicted success and sustainability of process restoration;
(3) The degree to which the bank is expected to successfully restore or maintain the appropriate HGM class of wetland for the landscape setting;
(4) The degree to which the bank incorporates a watershed-based approach for site location and design;
(5) The rarity of the predicted wetlands and habitats at the site, based on rarity at state and/or local level;
(6) The site's contribution to the protection, recovery, or both, of state or federally listed threatened or endangered species, protection of state priority species and habitats, and locally significant habitats;
(7) The degree of connectivity to other habitats and open space areas, based on existing connectivity and level of protection for connected areas; and
(8) Public access and education opportunities, where appropriate, as determined by the department.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
90.84 RCW. WSR 09-19-013 (Order 04-13), ยง 173-700-314, filed 9/3/09, effective 10/4/09.]