(1) The department must require financial assurances for the long-term management of a bank site.
(2) The sponsor must provide the department a written estimate for the costs of annual maintenance of the bank, including an adjustment for inflation, from a qualified contractor.
(3) The sponsor must secure sufficient funds for the anticipated long-term management costs. Appropriate long-term financing mechanisms include, but are not limited to, nonwasting endowments, trusts, contractual arrangements with future responsible parties, and other appropriate financial instruments. In cases where the long-term management entity is a public authority or government agency, that entity must provide a plan for the long-term financing of the bank site.
(4) Any provisions necessary for long-term financing must be addressed in the instrument.
(5) If the ownership of the site is transferred in the future, the financial mechanism for long-term management must remain with the entity responsible for the long-term management of the bank site.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
90.84 RCW. WSR 09-19-013 (Order 04-13), ยง 173-700-354, filed 9/3/09, effective 10/4/09.]