(1) The instrument must identify the party responsible for the ownership and long-term management of the bank.
(2) A long-term management plan should include a description of long-term management needs, annual cost estimates for these needs, and identify the funding mechanism that will be used to meet those needs.
(3) The instrument may contain provisions allowing the sponsor to transfer the long-term management responsibilities of the bank site to a land stewardship entity, such as a public agency, nongovernmental organization, or private land manager, after review and approval by the department. This land stewardship entity need not be identified in the instrument, as long as the future transfer of long-term management responsibility is approved by the department.
(4) The owner of a bank may not complete any conveyance of title, easement, lease, or other interest directly related to the bank without adequate and complete provision for the continued management of the bank as specified in the instrument.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
90.84 RCW. WSR 09-19-013 (Order 04-13), ยง 173-700-420, filed 9/3/09, effective 10/4/09.]