(1) The director will provide an opportunity for any person to informally discuss a civil penalty that has been assessed against them.
(2) An informal conference may be requested prior to a request for a formal hearing. However, it will not exceed nor extend the 30-day timeline allotted for the request of a formal hearing - Regardless of the outcome.
(3) The request for an informal hearing may be in any form and:
(a) Must be addressed to the mitigation officer;
(b) Be received by the director no more than 30 days from the issue date of the civil penalty; and
(c) Clearly state the subject to be discussed.
(4) Depending on the availability and time constraints of the person making the request and the hearings officer, the informal conference may be a personal meeting or conference call depending on the availability of the parties and the available technology.
(5) The director may, for good cause, choose to amend, withdraw, or reduce the civil penalty as a result of an informal conference.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
18.160 and
18.270 RCW. WSR 22-22-072, ยง 212-90-235, filed 10/31/22, effective 1/1/23.]