PDFWAC 220-660-090

Technical provisions.

Technical provisions are avoidance and minimization mitigation measures commonly used to protect fish life. WAC 220-660-100 through 220-660-450 are common technical provisions listed by hydraulic project types. All projects will also be reviewed relative to the provisions of WAC 220-660-080. The department will require certain technical provisions depending upon the individual proposal and the site characteristics. Additional special provisions may be included to address site-specific conditions. Those provisions must be in the HPA. The department may apply saltwater provisions listed in WAC 220-660-310 through 220-660-450 to a project in tidally influenced areas upstream of river mouths and the mainstem Columbia River downstream of Bonneville Dam.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.012, 77.04.020, and 77.12.047. WSR 15-02-029 (Order 14-353), ยง 220-660-090, filed 12/30/14, effective 7/1/15.]