(1) The analytical results obtained through sampling may be used as a method to determine contamination. Types of sample collection include, but are not limited to:
(a) Nonporous surface;
(b) Porous surface;
(c) Air;
(d) Drinking water;
(e) Groundwater;
(f) Surface water;
(g) Soil; and
(h) Septic system.
(2) Collection of samples shall be performed by department of ecology staff; department of health certified CDL supervisors; or local health officers using:
(a) Standards and protocols to ensure accuracy and the ability to produce similar results with repeated sampling;
(b) Proper swabbing techniques to collect a representative sample of the area being sampled; and
(c) Proper care and prudent action to avoid contamination during sampling.
(3) All samples collected, transported, stored, and analyzed under the provisions of this section must be secured to assure an unbroken chain-of-custody as described in the American Society of Testing Materials Standard D 4840.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
64.44.070. WSR 03-02-022, ยง 246-205-531, filed 12/23/02, effective 1/23/03.]