PDFWAC 246-272A-0200

Permit requirements.

(1) Prior to beginning the construction process, a person proposing the installation, repair, modification, connection to, or expansion of an OSS, shall report the following and obtain a permit from the local health officer:
(a) General information including:
(i) Name and address of the property owner and the applicant at the head of each page of submission;
(ii) Parcel number and if available, the address of the site;
(iii) Source of drinking water supply;
(iv) Identification if the property is within the boundaries of a recognized sewer utility;
(v) Size of the parcel;
(vi) Type of permit for which application is being made, for example, new installation, repair, expansion, modification, or operational;
(vii) Source of sewage, for example, residence, restaurant, or other type of business;
(viii) Location of utilities;
(ix) Name of the site evaluator;
(x) Name, signature and stamp of the designer;
(xi) Date of application; and
(xii) Name and signature of the fee simple owner, the contract purchaser of the property or the owner's authorized agent.
(b) The soil and site evaluation as specified under WAC 246-272A-0220.
(c) A dimensioned site plan of the proposed initial system, the reserve area and those areas immediately adjacent that contain characteristics impacting design including:
(i) Designated areas for the proposed initial system and the reserve area;
(ii) The location of all soil logs and other soil tests for the OSS;
(iii) General topography and/or slope;
(iv) Drainage characteristics;
(v) The location of existing and proposed encumbrances affecting system placement, including legal access documents if any component of the OSS is not on the lot where the sewage is generated; and
(vi) An arrow indicating north.
(d) A detailed system design meeting the requirements under WAC 246-272A-0230, 246-272A-0232, 246-272A-0234, and 246-272A-0238 including:
(i) A drawing showing the dimensioned location of components of the proposed OSS, and the system designed for the reserve area if reserve site characteristics differ significantly from the initial area;
(ii) Vertical cross-section drawings showing:
(A) The depth of the soil dispersal component, the vertical separation, and depth of cover material; and
(B) Other new OSS components constructed at the site.
(iii) Calculations and assumptions supporting the proposed design, including:
(A) System operating capacity and design flow;
(B) Soil type; and
(C) Hydraulic loading rate in the soil dispersal component; and
(e) Any additional information as deemed necessary by the local health officer.
(2) A permit is not required for replacement, addition, or modification of broken or malfunctioning building sewers, risers and lids, sewage tank lids, sewage tank baffles, sewage tank pumps, pump control floats, pipes connecting multiple sewage tanks, and OSS inspection boxes and ports where a sewage tank, treatment component, or soil dispersal component does not need to be replaced. The local health officer may require the owner to submit information regarding these activities for recordkeeping purposes.
(3) The local health officer may develop the information required in subsection (1) of this section if authorized by local regulations.
(4) The local health officer shall:
(a) Respond to an application within thirty days as required in RCW 70.05.074.
(b) Permit only public domain technologies that have departmental RS&G. Permit only proprietary products that are registered by the department. During the period of transition from the list of approved systems and products to the registered list, the local health officer may permit products on the list of approved systems and products.
(c) Issue a permit when the information submitted under subsection (1) of this section meets the requirements contained in this chapter and in local regulations;
(d) Identify the permit as a new installation, repair, expansion, modification, or operational permit;
(e) Specify the expiration date on the permit. The expiration date may not exceed five years from the date of permit issuance;
(f) Include a reminder on the permit application of the applicant's right of appeal; and
(g) If requiring an operational permit, state the period of validity and the date and conditions of renewal.
(5) The local health officer may revoke or deny a permit for just cause. Examples include, but are not limited to:
(a) Construction or continued use of an OSS that threatens the public health;
(b) Misrepresentation or concealment of material fact in information submitted to the local health officer; or
(c) Failure to meet conditions of the permit, this chapter or any local regulations.
(6) Before the local health officer issues a permit for the installation of an OSS to serve more than one development, the applicant shall show:
(a) An approved public entity owning or managing the OSS in perpetuity; or
(b) A management arrangement acceptable to the local health officer, recorded in covenant, lasting until the on-site system is no longer needed, and containing, but not limited to:
(i) A recorded easement allowing access for construction, operation, monitoring maintenance, and repair of the OSS; and
(ii) Identification of an adequate financing mechanism to assure the funding of operation, maintenance, and repair of the OSS.
(7) The local health officer shall not delegate the authority to issue permits.
(8) The local health officer may stipulate additional requirements for a particular permit if necessary for public health protection.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 05-15-119, ยง 246-272A-0200, filed 7/18/05, effective 7/1/07.]