(1) This chapter applies to all prefabricated tanks and all cast-in-place tanks. This chapter establishes sewage tank design and construction requirements, plan review and approval requirements, and prefabricated tank registration requirements.
(2) This chapter contains specific requirements for:
(a) Manufacturers of prefabricated tanks and builders of cast-in-place tanks;
(b) Persons designing sewage tanks;
(c) The department for reviewing, registering, and approving sewage tank design and construction plans;
(d) Persons installing sewage tanks; and
(e) The local health officer and the department for approving on-site sewage system designs, plans, specifications, and installations under chapters
246-272A and
246-272B WAC.
(3) This chapter does not contain all requirements for on-site sewage systems. Additional requirements for on-site sewage systems, including maintenance requirements, are found in chapters
246-272A and
246-272B WAC.
(4) This chapter does not apply to:
(a) Facilities regulated by the department of ecology;
(b) Reclaimed water systems as described in chapter
90.46 RCW;
(c) Tanks used to store municipal sewage sludge regulated as biosolids under chapter
173-308 WAC; or
(d) Geomembrane containment vessels for public domain treatment technologies. An example of this excluded technology is PVC containment vessels for public domain packed bed filters.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.20.050 (2) and (3). WSR 09-23-119, ยง 246-272C-0010, filed 11/18/09, effective 12/19/09.]