PDFWAC 246-272C-0120

Application process for sewage tank design and construction plan approval.

(1) An applicant for sewage tank design and construction plan approval shall apply to the department by submitting a completed application in the format required by the department. For required sewage tank application information, see WAC 246-272C-0125.
(2) When the department receives an application, the department shall:
(a) Review applications in the order received;
(b) Verify the application is complete and includes any applicable fee;
(c) Return any incomplete application;
(d) Provide the applicant with an approximate date the department expects to complete the review; and
(e) Review and evaluate the design and construction plans and all information submitted to determine whether all applicable requirements are met.
(3) If the department determines the sewage tank design and construction plan meets all applicable requirements, the department shall:
(a) Approve the application and the sewage tank design and construction plan;
(b) Notify the applicant of the department's decision in writing;
(c) Bill the applicant for any applicable fees; and
(d) Upon receipt of payment of any applicable fees:
(i) Place the specific prefabricated tank model number, size, and manufacturer information on the sewage tank registered list; or
(ii) Authorize construction of the cast-in-place tanks.
(4) If the department determines the tank design and construction plans do not meet all applicable requirements, the department shall:
(a) Deny the application; and
(b) Notify the applicant of the department's decision in writing stating the specific reasons for the denial.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 (2) and (3). WSR 09-23-119, ยง 246-272C-0120, filed 11/18/09, effective 12/19/09.]