The licensee must maintain records on all personnel and volunteers and have access to records on all contractors to include:
(1) Current practice certification, credential or licensure, as applicable;
(2) Documentation of references;
(3) Evidence of orientation to current agency policies and procedures;
(4) Contracts when using contractors;
(5) Verification of personnel, contractor, and volunteer skills or training specific to meeting the care needs of patients;
(6) Evidence of initial and subsequent criminal history background checks and disclosure statements according to RCW
43.43.830 through
43.43.842 and this chapter;
(7) Training on current and revised agency policies and procedures, including patient care issues;
(8) Current CPR training for direct care personnel and contractors;
(9) Documentation for personnel, contractors, and volunteers who prepare food for the patient independent of the patient's assistance, including:
(a) A current food worker cards per chapter
246-215 WAC; or
(b) Training equivalent to United States Food and Drug Administration for personnel, contractors, and volunteers involved in food preparation services on behalf of patients;
(10) Communicable disease testing and vaccination according to current state and federal health authority recommendations; and
(11) Documentation of performance evaluations of personnel and volunteers providing direct patient care and evaluations of services provided by contractors providing direct patient care as required in WAC
246-335-625 (15) and (16).
[Statutory Authority: RCW
70.127.120 and
43.70.250. WSR 18-06-093, ยง 246-335-630, filed 3/6/18, effective 4/6/18.]