PDFWAC 246-341-0815

Substance use disorder counseling for RCW 46.61.5056Service standards.

An agency providing certified substance use disorder counseling services to an individual convicted of driving under the influence or physical control under RCW 46.61.5056 must ensure treatment is completed as follows:
(1) Treatment during the first 60 days must include:
(a) Weekly group or individual substance use disorder counseling sessions according to the individual service plan;
(b) One individual substance use disorder counseling session of not less than 30 minutes duration, excluding the time taken for a substance use disorder assessment, for each individual, according to the individual service plan;
(c) Alcohol and drug basic education for each individual;
(d) Participation in recovery oriented, community-based self-help groups according to the individual service plan. Participation must be documented in the individual's individual service record; and
(e) Individuals who complete intensive inpatient substance use disorder treatment services must attend, at a minimum, weekly outpatient counseling sessions for the remainder of their first 60 days of treatment according to the individual service plan.
(2) The next 120 days of treatment at a minimum shall include:
(a) Group or individual substance use disorder counseling sessions every two weeks according to the individual service plan;
(b) One individual substance use disorder counseling session of not less than 30 minutes duration, every 60 days according to the individual service plan; and
(c) Referral of each individual for ongoing treatment or support, as necessary, using ASAM criteria, upon completion of 180 days of treatment.
(3) An individual who is assessed with insufficient evidence of a substance use disorder must be referred to alcohol/drug information school.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71.24.037, 71.05.560, 71.34.380, 18.205.160, 43.70.080(5), 41.05.750, 43.70.250, and 74.09.520 and chapters 71.05, 71.12, 71.24 and 71.34 RCW. WSR 22-24-091, § 246-341-0815, filed 12/6/22, effective 5/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.24.037, 71.05.560, 71.34.380, 18.205.160, 71.24.037 and chapters 71.05, 71.24, and 71.34 RCW. WSR 21-12-042, § 246-341-0815, filed 5/25/21, effective 7/1/21. Statutory Authority: 2018 c 201 and 2018 c 291. WSR 19-09-062, § 246-341-0815, filed 4/16/19, effective 5/17/19.]