PDFWAC 246-341-1118

Residential and inpatient mental health servicesService standards.

(1) An agency providing residential and inpatient mental health services must develop and implement an individualized annual training plan for agency staff members, to include at least:
(a) Least restrictive alternative options available in the community and how to access them;
(b) Methods of providing individualized treatment; and
(c) De-escalation training and management of assaultive and self-destructive behaviors, including proper and safe use of seclusion and restraint procedures.
(2) If contract staff are providing direct services, the facility must ensure compliance with the training requirements outlined in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) A behavioral health agency providing mental health inpatient services must:
(a) Document that each individual has received evaluations to determine the nature of the disorder and the treatment necessary, including:
(i) A health assessment of the individual's physical condition to determine if the individual needs to be transferred to an appropriate hospital for treatment;
(ii) Examination and medical evaluation within 24 hours of admission by a licensed physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant;
(iii) Consideration of less restrictive alternative treatment at the time of admission; and
(iv) The admission diagnosis and what information the determination was based upon.
(b) Ensure examination and evaluation of a minor by a children's mental health specialist occurs within 24 hours of admission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71.24.037, 71.05.560, 71.34.380, 18.205.160, 43.70.080(5), 41.05.750, 43.70.250, and 74.09.520 and chapters 71.05, 71.12, 71.24 and 71.34 RCW. WSR 22-24-091, § 246-341-1118, filed 12/6/22, effective 5/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.24.037, 71.05.560, 71.34.380, 18.205.160, 71.24.037 and chapters 71.05, 71.24, and 71.34 RCW. WSR 21-12-042, § 246-341-1118, filed 5/25/21, effective 7/1/21. Statutory Authority: 2019 c 324, RCW 71.24.037, 71.24.648, and 71.24.649. WSR 20-07-091, § 246-341-1118, filed 3/17/20, effective 5/1/20. Statutory Authority: 2018 c 201 and 2018 c 291. WSR 19-09-062, § 246-341-1118, filed 4/16/19, effective 5/17/19.]