An agency certified to provide crisis stabilization unit or triage services must meet all of the following criteria:
(1) A triage facility must be licensed as a residential treatment facility under chapter
71.12 RCW.
(2) If a crisis stabilization unit or triage facility is part of a jail, the unit must be located in an area of the building that is physically separate from the general population. "Physically separate" means:
(a) Out of sight and sound of the general population at all times;
(b) Located in an area with no foot traffic between other areas of the building, except in the case of emergency evacuation; and
(c) Has a secured entrance and exit between the unit and the rest of the facility.
(3) Ensure that a mental health professional is on-site at least eight hours per day, seven days a week, and accessible 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
(4) Ensure a mental health professional assesses an individual within three hours of the individual's arrival at the facility.
(5) For persons admitted to the crisis stabilization unit or triage facility on a voluntary basis, the individual service record must meet the individual service record requirements in WAC
(6) An agency certified to provide crisis stabilization unit or triage services must meet the service standards for residential and inpatient behavioral health services in WAC
246-341-1105 and the applicable standards in WAC
246-341-1131 if providing involuntary crisis stabilization unit or triage services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.70.250, and
74.09.520 and chapters
71.05, 71.12, 71.24 and
71.34 RCW. WSR 22-24-091, § 246-341-1140, filed 12/6/22, effective 5/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW
71.24.037 and chapters
71.05, 71.24, and
71.34 RCW. WSR 21-12-042, § 246-341-1140, filed 5/25/21, effective 7/1/21. Statutory Authority: 2018 c 201 and 2018 c 291. WSR 19-09-062, § 246-341-1140, filed 4/16/19, effective 5/17/19.]