PDFWAC 246-834-360

Quality improvement program.

(1) As a condition of renewing a license, a licensed midwife shall:
(a) Participate in a Washington state coordinated quality improvement program peer review process that complies with the requirements in RCW 43.70.510.
(b) Attest every two years that the midwife has completed peer review for a minimum of five of the midwife's clinical cases over the course of those two years.
(2) A midwife may be excused from or granted an extension of participation in a peer review process due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. The department, upon request, will determine if the requirements may be waived or if an extension may be granted.
(3) For auditing purposes, written confirmation of participation in a peer review process from the approved coordinated quality improvement program shall suffice. The midwife must keep her/his participation records; records must not be sent to the department.
(4) Verification of completion of participation in a peer review process will begin on January 1, 2018.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.50.102 and 18.50.135. WSR 15-24-092, ยง 246-834-360, filed 11/30/15, effective 12/31/15.]