PDFWAC 246-840-523

Faculty requirements for nursing education programs.

(1) Each nursing education program shall have a sufficient number of professionally and academically qualified faculty with adequate diversity of expertise in nursing to meet the nursing education program purpose, outcomes, and identified quality improvement processes.
(2) The nursing education program shall provide new faculty with sufficient orientation to achieve program purpose and outcomes, and to assure safe clinical and practice experiences for students.
(3) The program shall make available ongoing faculty development opportunities to assure faculty members are prepared, experienced, and current in subject matter taught.
(4) Nursing faculty shall have an active, unencumbered Washington state registered nurse license.
(5) Interdisciplinary faculty teaching in the nursing education program shall have academic and professional education and experience in their field of specialization.
(6) Adjunct clinical faculty employed solely to supervise clinical nursing experiences or practice experiences shall meet all the faculty qualifications for the program level they are teaching.
(7) Nursing faculty shall be responsible for:
(a) Developing, implementing, and evaluating the purpose and outcomes of the nursing education program;
(b) Designing, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum;
(c) Developing and evaluating nursing education policies as identified in WAC 246-840-519 (3)(a) through (e) within the framework of the policies of the parent institution;
(d) Participating in or providing for academic advising and guidance of students;
(e) Evaluating student achievement, in terms of curricular objectives as related to both nursing knowledge and practice, including preceptorship or mentored experiences;
(f) Selecting, guiding, and evaluating student learning activities;
(g) Participating in activities to improve their own nursing competency in area(s) of responsibility and to demonstrate current clinical competency; and
(h) Developing criteria for the selection and evaluation of clinical and practice experiences in clinical facilities or clinical practice settings, which address safety and the need for students to achieve the program outcomes and course objectives.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.79.010, 18.79.110, 18.79.150, 18.79.190, and 18.79.240. WSR 16-17-082, ยง 246-840-523, filed 8/17/16, effective 9/17/16.]