PDFWAC 246-853-725

Written agreement for treatment.

The osteopathic physician shall use a written agreement for treatment with the patient who requires long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain that outlines the patient's responsibilities. This written agreement for treatment must include:
(1) The patient's agreement to provide biological samples for biological specimen testing when requested by the osteopathic physician;
(2) The patient's agreement to take medications at the dose and frequency prescribed with a specific protocol for lost prescriptions and early refills or renewals;
(3) Reasons for which opioid therapy may be discontinued including, but not limited to, the patient's violation of an agreement;
(4) The requirement that all chronic opioid prescriptions are provided by a single prescriber, single clinic, or a multidisciplinary pain clinic;
(5) The requirement that all chronic opioid prescriptions are to be dispensed by a single pharmacy or pharmacy system whenever possible;
(6) The patient's agreement to not abuse substances that can put the patient at risk for adverse outcomes;
(7) A written authorization for:
(a) The osteopathic physician to release the agreement for treatment to:
(i) Local emergency departments;
(ii) Urgent care facilities;
(iii) Other practitioners caring for the patient who might prescribe pain medications; and
(iv) Pharmacies.
(b) The osteopathic physician to release the agreement to other practitioners so other practitioners can report violations of the agreement to the osteopathic physician treating the patient's chronic pain and to the PMP.
(8) Acknowledgment that it is the patient's responsibility to safeguard all medications and keep them in a secure location; and
(9) Acknowledgment that if the patient violates the terms of the agreement, the violation and the osteopathic physician's response to the violation will be documented, as well as the rationale for changes in the treatment plan.
For the purposes of this section, "refill" means a second or subsequent filling of a previously issued prescription that is authorized to be dispensed when the patient has exhausted their current supply. For the purposes of WAC 246-853-660 through 246-853-790, refills are subject to the same limitations and requirements as initial prescriptions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.57.800, 18.57A.800 and 2017 c 297. WSR 18-20-087, ยง 246-853-725, filed 10/1/18, effective 11/1/18.]