PDFWAC 246-933-255

How to obtain a temporary practice permit while the national background check is completed.

Fingerprint-based national background checks may cause a delay in licensing. Individuals who satisfy all other licensing requirements and qualifications may receive a temporary practice permit while the national background check is completed.
(1) A temporary practice permit may be issued to an applicant who:
(a) Holds an unrestricted, active license to practice veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry in another state that has substantially equivalent licensing standards to those in Washington state;
(b) Is not subject to denial of a license or issuance of a conditional or restricted license; and
(c) Does not have a criminal record in Washington state.
(2) A temporary practice permit grants the individual the full scope of practice of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry.
(3) A temporary practice permit will not be renewed, reissued, or extended. A temporary practice permit expires when any one of the following occurs:
(a) The license is granted;
(b) A notice of decision on application is mailed to the applicant, unless the notice of decision on the application specifically extends the duration of the temporary practice permit; or
(c) One hundred eighty days after the temporary practice permit is issued.
(4) To receive a temporary practice permit, the applicant must:
(a) Submit the necessary application, fee(s), and documentation for the license.
(b) Meet all requirements and qualifications for the license, except the results from a fingerprint-based national background check, if required.
(c) Provide verification of having an active unrestricted license to practice veterinary medicine, dentistry and surgery from another state that has substantially equivalent licensing standards as Washington state.
(d) Submit the fingerprint card and a written request for a temporary practice permit when the department notifies the applicant the national background check is required.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.130.064, 18.130.075, and 18.92.030. WSR 10-06-056, ยง 246-933-255, filed 2/24/10, effective 3/27/10.]