A licensed veterinarian or a retired active licensed veterinarian shall complete a board-approved, one-time training in suicide prevention that is at least three hours in length. Training must include suicide awareness and prevention, mental health and well-being, and imminent harm by lethal means.
(1) This training must be completed by the end of the first full continuing education reporting period after July 1, 2022, or during the first full continuing education reporting period after initial licensure, whichever is later.
(2) The board accepts only courses that are listed on the board's website.
(3) Training completed between June 11, 2020, and June 30, 2022, that meets the requirements of subsection (2) of this section, is accepted as meeting the one-time training requirement of this section.
(4) The hours spent completing the training in suicide prevention under this section count toward meeting applicable continuing education requirements for veterinarian license renewal.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
18.92.280, and 2020 cc 229 and 76. WSR 22-11-062, ยง 246-933-435, filed 5/16/22, effective 6/16/22.]