PDFWAC 246-976-024

EMS specialized training.

(1) MPDs may submit a proposal to conduct pilot training programs to determine the need for skills, techniques, or equipment that is not included in standard course curricula/instructional guidelines. A pilot program allows the MPD to conduct field research to determine:
(a) The effectiveness of the training;
(b) EMS provider knowledge and skills competency;
(c) EMS provider ability to provide proper patient care after the training.
(2) To request approval of a pilot training program, the MPD must submit a proposal which includes the following information to the department for review:
(a) A needs statement describing what the proposed pilot will address;
(b) The level of certified EMS provider who will be participating in the pilot training;
(c) The length of the pilot project;
(d) The method by which the pilot project will be evaluated;
(e) Course curriculum/lesson plans;
(f) Type of instructional personnel required to conduct the pilot training;
(g) Course prerequisites;
(h) Criteria for successful course completion, including student evaluations and/or examinations; and
(i) Prehospital patient care protocols for use in the pilot program.
(3) The department will:
(a) Review the request and training plan;
(b) Consult with the prehospital technical advisory committee to determine the need for, and the benefits of the requested training throughout the state.
(c) Based on recommendation of the prehospital TAC, approve or deny the request for the pilot program.
(4) The MPD must report the results of the pilot training to the department and the prehospital TAC.
(5) The department and the prehospital TAC will review the results of the pilot training project to determine whether or not the new training will be implemented statewide.
(6) If the pilot training is approved for statewide use, the department will adopt it as specialized training and notify all county MPDs to advise if the skill is required or not.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.71, 18.73, and 70.168 RCW. WSR 11-07-078, ยง 246-976-024, filed 3/22/11, effective 5/15/11.]