PDFWAC 262-03-010


(This promulgation relates to WAC 262-03-010 through 262-03-090.)
I, Busse Nutley, chair, Washington State Housing Finance Commission, 1000 Second Avenue, Suite 2700, Seattle, Washington 98104-1046, after due notice as provided under chapter 34.05 RCW, and a public hearing held in Seattle, Washington on June 26, 1997, do hereby promulgate the following regulations relating to actions to debar or temporarily disqualify participants in commission programs where appropriate to further the commission's purposes and protect the public interest in doing business with responsible persons.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.180 RCW. WSR 97-16-019, ยง 262-03-010, filed 7/28/97, effective 8/28/97.]