(1) Spikes, drift bolts, nails, or other metal must not be left in any recoverable log.
(2) You must provide and maintain portable fire extinguishers on each machine and vehicle.
(3) Machines, vehicles, and portable powered tools (unless diesel powered) must not be fueled while the motors are running.
Note: | See WAC 296-54-58130(3) for exceptions related to helicopters. |
(4) Flammable liquids must be stored, handled, transported, and used according to the requirements of chapter
296-24 WAC, Part E, and the following:
(a) Flammable liquids must not be transported in the driver compartment or in any passenger-occupied area of a machine or vehicle.
(b) Flammable liquids, including chain-saw and diesel fuel, may be used to start a fire, if the employer ensures that in the particular situation its use does not create a hazard for an employee.
(5) Smoking is prohibited in battery charging areas and within fifty feet of all refueling operations. Precautions must be taken to prevent open flames, sparks, or electric arcs in battery charging or refueling areas.
(6) When charging batteries:
(a) The vent caps must be kept in place to avoid electrolyte spray;
(b) Caps must be functioning; and
(c) The battery (or compartment) cover(s) must be open to dissipate heat.
(7) Tools and other metallic objects must be kept away from the tops of uncovered batteries.
(8) Explosives and blasting agents must be stored, handled, transported, and used according to the requirements of chapter
296-52 WAC, Possession and handling of explosives.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060, and chapter
49.17 RCW. WSR 17-17-131, § 296-54-519, filed 8/22/17, effective 10/22/17. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060 and 29 C.F.R. 1910 Subpart Z. WSR 14-07-086, § 296-54-519, filed 3/18/14, effective 5/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.010, [49.17].040 and [49.17].050. WSR 99-17-117, § 296-54-519, filed 8/18/99, effective 12/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060. WSR 96-22-013, § 296-54-519, filed 10/28/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.240, chapters
43.22 and
42.30 RCW. WSR 80-11-057 (Order 80-15), § 296-54-519, filed 8/20/80. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.150 and
49.17.240. WSR 79-10-081 (Order 79-14), § 296-54-519, filed 9/21/79.]