(1) A skyline must not make an angle greater than fifty degrees measured from the horizontal as it leaves the tail/lift tree. (See Figure 18: Maximum Angle for Load Bearing Guylines and Skyline.)
(2) When rigged in a tail/lift tree, the skyline must be anchored no more than eight degrees offline from the rearward projection of the skyline. If a suitable anchor is not available within the specified zone and the tail/lift tree is stable, a more suitable anchor outside the zone may be used. (See Figure 23: Skyline Positioning Limits Tail/Lift Tree.)
(3) A skyline must not be considered a guyline.
(4) Extensions to skylines must be equal in breaking strength to the skyline to which they are attached and must not alter the safe capacity of the tower. In addition, the extension must be attached only by a regular long splice or by a flush pin straight side shackle connecting the two eyes.
(5) Live, running or standing skylines must be anchored by one of the following methods:
(a) Directly to a stump or suitable manufactured anchor;
(b) Directly to the base of a standing tree provided the point of attachment is no more than three feet above the ground and no part of the tree will enter the work area if pulled over;
(i) If the tree will enter a work area, it must be properly tied back; or
(ii) Employee(s) must be in the clear before the go-ahead signal is given.
(c) By passing the skyline though a jack or block hung on a tail/lift tree before being anchored.
(6) Skylines or mainlines must be secured by one of the following methods:
(a) With at least two and one-half wraps, well spiked, or properly clamped (see WAC
296-54-569 (5)(b)); or
(b) Choked by using an approved shackle over the skyline or mainline with the pin through the eye and hung in a manner to prevent excessive bight or fouling when tightened; or
(c) With an approved strap having both eyes hung in a shackle and the knockout pin or safety pin through the eye of the skyline or mainline.
(7) Attaching the end of the skyline or slackline to the base of the rigged tail/lift tree is prohibited.
Figure 23: Skyline Positioning Limits Tail/Lift Tree |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060, and chapter
49.17 RCW. WSR 17-17-131, § 296-54-567, filed 8/22/17, effective 10/22/17. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.010, [49.17].040 and [49.17].050. WSR 99-17-117, § 296-54-567, filed 8/18/99, effective 12/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060. WSR 96-22-013, § 296-54-567, filed 10/28/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040 and
49.17.050. WSR 81-05-013 (Order 81-3), § 296-54-567, filed 2/10/81. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.150 and
49.17.240. WSR 79-10-081 (Order 79-14), § 296-54-567, filed 9/21/79.]