(1) Every employer shall keep for at least three years a record of the name, address, and occupation of each employee, dates of employment, rate or rates of pay, amount paid each pay period to each such employee and the hours worked.
(2) Every employer shall make the record described in subsection (1) available to the employee, upon request, at any reasonable time.
(3) Every employer shall, within ten business days of receiving a written request by a former employee, furnish a signed written statement stating the reasons for and effective date of discharge.
Note: | Additional recordkeeping requirements for employers are stated in WAC 296-128-010 through 296-128-030 (rules regarding recordkeeping for employers subject to the Minimum Wage Act, chapter 49.46 RCW) and WAC 296-131-017 (rule regarding recordkeeping for agricultural employers). |
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
49.12 RCW. WSR 10-04-092, § 296-126-050, filed 2/2/10, effective 3/15/10. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.46.020 and
49.46.070. WSR 89-22-016 (Order 89-16), § 296-126-050, filed 10/24/89, effective 11/24/89; Order 74-9, § 296-126-050, filed 3/13/74, effective 4/15/74.]