PDFWAC 296-131-105

Parental and school authorization.

(1) An employer of a minor shall be required to annually obtain written authorization from a minor's parent before employing the minor.
(2) Except when performing intermittent weekend work, a minor who is legally required to attend school and who is working during the school year shall obtain from his or her school written authorization to work a specified number of hours per day and per week up to the maximum permitted in WAC 296-131-120, based on an evaluation of the impact of work on the student's academic performance. School authorization is not required for high school graduates.
(3) The parental and school authorization required by this chapter shall be on forms supplied by the department and shall be kept on file by the employer.
(4) Neither parent nor school authorization is required for minors who are emancipated by court order.
(5) For purposes of this section, "intermittent weekend work" is defined as work during the weekend arranged to be performed after the end of the preceding school week. Work performed after the beginning of the next school day is not considered to be intermittent weekend work and requires school authorization. Work during more than two weekends per quarter is not considered to be intermittent weekend work.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.30.030. WSR 90-14-038, ยง 296-131-105, filed 6/29/90, effective 11/1/90.]