Within sixty days after you submit the information requested in WAC
296-150C-0430, we will send you a letter either approving or denying your authorization request.
(1) If we approve your request, your name is added to the list of licensed professionals and firms authorized to approve design plans.
(a) We will authorize a professional to approve portions of a design plan within his or her area of expertise; and
(b) We will authorize an engineering or architectural firm to approve plans if the firm employs or contracts with professionals within the area of expertise necessary for the design plan.
(2) If we do not approve your request, we will notify you in writing why we are denying your request for authorization. If you disagree with our decision, you can send us a written request for a hearing, stating why you disagree. (See WAC
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.22.340, [43.22.]355, [43.22.]360, [43.22.]432, [43.22.]440 and [43.22.]480. WSR 96-21-146, ยง 296-150C-0440, filed 10/23/96, effective 11/25/96.]