(1) The branch circuit equipment may be combined with the disconnecting means as a single assembly. Such a combination may be designated as a distribution panelboard. If a fused distribution panelboard is used, the maximum fuse size for the mains must be plainly marked with lettering at least 1/4 inch high and visible when fuses are changed.
Note: | See the National Electrical Code concerning identification of each disconnecting means and each feeder or branch circuit at the point where it originated and type of marking needed. |
(2) Plug fuses and fuseholders must be tamper-resistant, Type "S," enclosed in dead-front fuse panelboards.
(3) A single disconnecting means must be provided in each commercial coach. It must consist of a circuit breaker or a switch, fuses, and their accessories installed in a readily accessible location near the point of entrance of the supply cord or conductors into the commercial coach. The main circuit breakers or fuses must be plainly marked "main." This equipment must contain a solderless type of grounding connector or bar for the purposes of grounding, with sufficient terminals for all grounding conductors. The neutral bar termination of the grounded circuit conductors must be insulated.
(4) The disconnecting equipment must have a rating suitable for the connected load. The distribution equipment, either circuit breaker or fused type, must be located a minimum of twenty-four inches from the bottom of such equipment to the floor level of the commercial coach. There must be an accessible space of at least thirty inches wide by thirty-six inches deep by seventy-eight inches high in front of the electrical disconnect equipment. The main circuit breakers or switches must be plainly marked "main." There must be a label attached to the panelboard stating:
"This panelboard must be connected by a feeder assembly having overcurrent protection rated at not more than_____amperes." (The correct ampere rating must be marked in the blank space.)
(5) Branch circuit distribution equipment must be installed in each commercial coach and must include overcurrent protection for each branch circuit consisting of either circuit breakers or fuses.
(6) The branch circuit overcurrent devices must be rated:
(a) Not more than the circuit conductors; and
(b) Not more than one hundred fifty percent of the rating of a single appliance rated ten amperes or more; but
(c) Not more than the overcurrent protection rating marked on the motor-operated appliance. A device not approved for branch circuit protection, such as a thermal cutout or motor overload protective device, must not be considered as the overcurrent device protecting the circuit.
(7) A 20-ampere fuse or circuit breaker must be considered adequate protection for fixture leads, cords for portable appliances and No. 14 AWG (American Wire Gauge) tap conductors, not over six feet long, for recessed lighting fixtures.
(8) If more than one outlet or load is on a branch circuit, a 15-ampere receptacle must be considered protected by a 20-ampere fuse or circuit breaker.
(9) When circuit breakers are provided for branch circuit protection, 240-volt circuits must be protected by two-pole common or companion trip circuit breakers.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.22.340, [43.22.]355, [43.22.]360, [43.22.]432, [43.22.]440 and [43.22.]480. WSR 96-21-146, ยง 296-150C-1250, filed 10/23/96, effective 11/25/96.]